A little housekeeping & paying of temple taxes follows. First, the 15th edition of the Carnival of the Africans is out, consisting of Blaize’s picks of the best scientific and skeptical blogging for the last few months. Second, the 2010 South African blog awards nomination process has begun. While it’s unlikely that anyone other than the usual suspects will win, if you’d like to participate in an attempt to buck that trend, go and nominate a blog (or a particular post) by August 27. Lastly, Michael Meadon kindly maintains a list of African scientific & skeptical blogs over at Ionian Enchantment, and I’ve pasted the current list below. If there’s a blog missing that you believe should be included, let him know (his email address is on his website).
- 01 and the universe
- Acinonyx Scepticus
- Amanuensis
- ASSAf Blog
- Botswana Skeptic
- Bomoko and other nonsense words
- Can Like To Have It (formerly Hello Universe, This is Nessie)
- Communicating Science, the African Way
- Defollyant’s AntiBlog
- Digital Immigrant **new**
- Effortless Incitement
- Ewan’s Corner
- Expensive Beliefs
- Fluxosaurus’s Blog
- Geekery
- Grumpy Old Man
- Health Frog
- Ionian Enchantment
- Limbic Nutrition
- Lenny Says
- McBrolloks
- Nathan Bond’s TART Remarks
- Orion Spur
- Other Things Amanzi
- Pickled Bushman
- Psychohistorian
- Reason Check
- Retroid Raving
- Roy Jobson
- Science Blog
- Scorched
- Stop Danie Krügel
- Sumbandlila Mission Blog
- Synapses
- Tauriq Moosa
- The Joys of Atheism
- The Science Of Sport
- The Skeptic Black Sheep
- The Skeptic Detective
- Updendo Wa Asili (formerly Meh Blog)